Here you will find all the information you need to register your dance group/school in the correct age category and discipline.
The organisers will also take a look at the video you send and confirm that you are registered for the correct discipline and category, or suggest a more suitable one.
This will make it unnecessary to make additional changes during the competition.
Every group have to create their own client section. When you click on the link you choose REGISTER, fill in the required information and then go to LOG IN.
On your dashboard, you should first go to DANCERS and add all of your group's dancers.
*more info in the last pole of these instructions
After go to COMPETITIONS and choose the semifinal you want to attend.
Choose from one of the options with the desired age category, discipline and league and click on register.
Follow the next steps and then click on FINISH REGISTRATION and you'll see your choreography's page.
Before you do your online presence, your choreographies will have the status ROZPRACOVÁNO, after the online presence they change status to POTVRZENO. (Don't worry, your choreographies are officially registered with the status ROZPRACOVÁNO)
Your choreographies can be registered up to 2 weeks before each semifinal. (You don't need to add your music and your choreography's video to be able to register)
Online presence must be done up to 1 week before each semifinal to confirm your participation on the competition.
You can only do your online presence after you added your choreography's video and the last version of your music.
*the organizers can decide whether or not to accept changes after that
Age categories Baby and Seniors have just one league
You can add dancers one by one individually, or export from Excel in the following format:
Jan Novák 17. 03. 2011
Marie Svobodová 08. 11. 2010