Here you will find all the information about the registration of your dance group/school, information about age categories and disciplines.
The organiser will also check the video you have uploaded (more information in the Registration section) and confirm whether you are registered for the correct discipline or suggest a more suitable one.
The aim is to have each dance choreography in the correct discipline and category before the start of the competition. This way, no additional changes will be necessary during the competition.

O naší fotografce
Jsem fotografka a můj ateliér najdete v Mladé Boleslavi.
Díky zkušenostem z marketingu ale mohu nabídnout daleko více a pomoci vám i s celkovou prezentací vaší firmy.
Spolupracuji s odborníky na web, video nebo sociální sítě. Ráda cestuji a není pro mě problém jet fotit reportáž třeba do Itálie.